Communication is the Key!


Communication is the Key!

Are you feeling disconnected in your relationship?

  • Does it feel like your communication is just not effective?

  • Does it always feel like your conversations turn into arguments?

  • Are you struggling to get on the same page as your partner?

  • ​Would you like to start creating a new path to relationship success?

Do you feel like no matter how much you try to communicate what you’re wanting and needing from your relationship, nothing changes?

You feel stuck...

You can't figure out when the communication got so tough and complicated. You know there has to be a way to fix it, but nothing you’re doing seems to be working.

You want to stop fighting and arguing about everything... It’s exhausting!

Every time you bring up how you’re feeling, it seems to turn into an argument. Surely there has to be a way to discuss difficult topics without arguing, right?

You’re feeling alone in your relationship...

You don’t want to end things and walk away, but you feel like you can't keep having the same conversation over and over again without seeing some changes...

You feel unheard, dismissed, unimportant and you’re finding yourself struggling to keep going through the motions.

Do you feel like no matter how much you try to communicate what you’re wanting and needing from your relationship, nothing changes?

You feel stuck...

You can't figure out when the communication got so tough and complicated. You know there has to be a way to fix it, but nothing you’re doing seems to be working.

You want to stop fighting and arguing about everything... It’s exhausting!

Every time you bring up how you’re feeling, it seems to turn into an argument. Surely there has to be a way to discuss difficult topics without arguing, right?

You’re feeling alone in your relationship...

You don’t want to end things and walk away, but you feel like you can't keep having the same conversation over and over again without seeing some changes...

You feel unheard, dismissed, unimportant and you’re finding yourself struggling to keep going through the motions.

You don’t have to keep struggling...

... There is a way through the madness,

and it doesn’t have to mean the end

of your relationship.

It may take some work, but there is a way to get things back on track and to have 

the relationship of your dreams.

It is my mission in life to help you do just that!

I have been where you are...

I have been where you are...

I remember when I first got married how many people would give me warnings that things wouldn’t always be happy and fun. 

It felt like other people were unhappy in their own relationships and they couldn’t fathom there would be or could be a different outcome than misery... 

It happened so frequently, I started to expect things to go bad at some point. 

Then when my husband and I would disagree, argue or fight about things, I would worry that everything was falling apart and those warnings were coming true.

I didn’t want that to be my reality, and I didn’t believe it had to be. 

I mean, what’s the point of building a relationship if it’s just going to go bad... 

That just didn’t make sense to me, and it made me sad for others who didn’t see that any other options were possible...

I decided to go to therapy to try and figure things out for myself. Not only did I start to see my feelings of security in my relationship increase, I also saw my relationship start to improve. 

I have been where you are...

I remember when I first got married how many people would give me warnings that things wouldn’t always be happy and fun. 

It felt like other people were unhappy in their own relationships and they couldn’t fathom there would be or could be a different outcome than misery... 

It happened so frequently, I started to expect things to go bad at some point. 

Then when my husband and I would disagree, argue or fight about things, I would worry that everything was falling apart and those warnings were coming true.

 I didn’t want that to be my reality, and I didn’t believe it had to be. 

I mean, what’s the point of building a relationship if it’s just going to go bad... 

That just didn’t make sense to me, and it made me sad for others who didn’t see that any other options were possible...

I decided to go to therapy to try and figure things out for myself. Not only did I start to see my feelings of security in my relationship increase, I also saw my relationship start to improve. 

I have been where you are...

I remember when I first got married how many people would give me warnings that things wouldn’t always be happy and fun. 

It felt like other people were unhappy in their own relationships and they couldn’t fathom there would be or could be a different outcome than misery... 

It happened so frequently, I started to expect things to go bad at some point. 

Then when my husband and I would disagree, argue or fight about things, I would worry that everything was falling apart and those warnings were coming true.

 I didn’t want that to be my reality, and I didn’t believe it had to be. 

I mean, what’s the point of building a relationship if it’s just going to go bad... 

That just didn’t make sense to me, and it made me sad for others who didn’t see that any other options were possible...

I decided to go to therapy to try and figure things out for myself. Not only did I start to see my feelings of security in my relationship increase, I also saw my relationship start to improve. 

I have been where you are...

I remember when I first got married how many people would give me warnings that things wouldn’t always be happy and fun. 

It felt like other people were unhappy in their own relationships and they couldn’t fathom there would be or could be a different outcome than misery... 

It happened so frequently, I started to expect things to go bad at some point. 

Then when my husband and I would disagree, argue or fight about things, I would worry that everything was falling apart and those warnings were coming true.

 I didn’t want that to be my reality, and I didn’t believe it had to be. 

I mean, what’s the point of building a relationship if it’s just going to go bad... 

That just didn’t make sense to me, and it made me sad for others who didn’t see that any other options were possible...

I decided to go to therapy to try and figure things out for myself. Not only did I start to see my feelings of security in my relationship increase, I also saw my relationship start to improve. 

I was implementing the things I was learning, and they were working. Rather than feeling like things were going to go bad at some point, I found myself feeling hopeful and excited for the future.

I just knew there had to be a way for 

all relationships to have lasting Success

I was learning so many ways to communicate effectively, and I knew it had to be possible to maintain a healthy connection and to create a successful relationship dynamic while creating a roadmap for continued success in the future.

As I continued to see success in my own therapy and my own relationship, I decided to go back to school to become a therapist and I knew I wanted my specialty to be in working with couples and relationships in order to pass on all the helpful things I’d been learning and using with such success.

I became focused on figuring out how to help my clients create the relationship of their dreams in the shortest amount of time possible. I’ve spent the last almost 20 years studying everything I could about relationships and I soon learned the importance of incorporating neuroscience into my therapy work. All the while I was busy figuring out the different tips, tricks, activities, techniques, ideas, tools and concepts needed to build a healthy happy successful relationship!

I have been where you are...

I remember when I first got married how many people would give me warnings that things wouldn’t always be happy and fun. 

It felt like other people were unhappy in their own relationships and they couldn’t fathom there would be or could be a different outcome than misery... 

It happened so frequently, I started to expect things to go bad at some point. 

Then when my husband and I would disagree, argue or fight about things, I would worry that everything was falling apart and those warnings were coming true.

 I didn’t want that to be my reality, and I didn’t believe it had to be. 

I mean, what’s the point of building a relationship if it’s just going to go bad... 

That just didn’t make sense to me, and it made me sad for others who didn’t see that any other options were possible...

I decided to go to therapy to try and figure things out for myself. Not only did I start to see my feelings of security in my relationship increase, I also saw my relationship start to improve. 

I have been where you are...

I remember when I first got married how many people would give me warnings that things wouldn’t always be happy and fun. 

It felt like other people were unhappy in their own relationships and they couldn’t fathom there would be or could be a different outcome than misery... 

It happened so frequently, I started to expect things to go bad at some point. 

Then when my husband and I would disagree, argue or fight about things, I would worry that everything was falling apart and those warnings were coming true.

 I didn’t want that to be my reality, and I didn’t believe it had to be. 

I mean, what’s the point of building a relationship if it’s just going to go bad... 

That just didn’t make sense to me, and it made me sad for others who didn’t see that any other options were possible...

I decided to go to therapy to try and figure things out for myself. Not only did I start to see my feelings of security in my relationship increase, I also saw my relationship start to improve. 

I was implementing the things I was learning, and they were working. Rather than feeling like things were going to go bad at some point, I found myself feeling hopeful and excited for the future.

What would it be like for you to have:




It is possible to achieve all this and more!!!

What would it be like for you to have:




It is possible to achieve all this and more!!!

You can get all those benefits above and start to focus on resetting, rebuilding and creating the relationship you’ve always wanted without...








Wasted Time....

Wasted Money ....

Wasted Energy....


Created Balanced Communication

Rather than talking at each other or feeling like you’re constantly having the same conversations without any improvement, you’ll learn how to have balanced communication using active listening and courageous conversation. 
Instead of feeling like every conversation ends up in an argument, you’ll learn to pause and choose your responses rather than reacting emotionally.

Develop Relationship Empathy

You’ll learn how to put yourself in your partner’s shoes to really understand where they are coming from and the reasons they have for feeling the way they feel. 
Even if you don’t agree on everything, you’ll have a greater understanding of their point of view and you’ll learn to have compassion for their feelings. 
This will help you both avoid taking things personally and you’ll know you’re able to reach understandings with less arguing, less frustration and less feeling misunderstood.

Establish a “Same Team” Mentality

It can be so easy to get in a rut and forget that you’re on the same team. You are not enemies and you’re not against each other, but sometimes is may feel that way. 
By creating a vision for what it means to be on the same team, you’ll no longer have to wonder if you’re supported by your partner. 
You’ll have tools and techniques to help you reset anytime you feel off course and to remember you’re partners in this life together.


Created Balanced Communication

Rather than talking at each other or feeling like you’re constantly having the same conversations without any improvement, you’ll learn how to have balanced communication using active listening and courageous conversation. 
Instead of feeling like every conversation ends up in an argument, you’ll learn to pause and choose your responses rather than reacting emotionally.

Develop Relationship Empathy

You’ll learn how to put yourself in your partner’s shoes to really understand where they are coming from and the reasons they have for feeling the way they feel. 
Even if you don’t agree on everything, you’ll have a greater understanding of their point of view and you’ll learn to have compassion for their feelings. 
This will help you both avoid taking things personally and you’ll know you’re able to reach understandings with less arguing, less frustration and less feeling misunderstood.

Establish a “Same Team” Mentality

It can be so easy to get in a rut and forget that you’re on the same team. You are not enemies and you’re not against each other, but sometimes is may feel that way. 
By creating a vision for what it means to be on the same team, you’ll no longer have to wonder if you’re supported by your partner. 
You’ll have tools and techniques to help you reset anytime you feel off course and to remember you’re partners in this life together.

Get all the benefits mentioned so far and so much more by going through my Relationship Communication Course.

You will get: 

Lifetime Access to an online membership portal with a series of videos and activites.

Get access to all my best Tips, tricks, tools and techniques you need to start resetting your relationship and your relationship communication today!

Learn how to better navigate things in your relationship so you can foster the "same team" mentality and create the relationship you’ve been longing for.

I’ve taken my almost 20 years of clinical experience as a couples and relationship therapist and put this set of courses together to help you succeed.

Get all the benefits mentioned so far and so much more by going through my Relationship Communication Online Workshop.

You will get: 

Access to an online membership portal with a series of videos


Worksheets to go with the videos 

Tips, tricks, tools and techniques you need to start resetting your relationship communication

Info on how to create the relationship you’ve been longing for. 

I’ve taken all my 15 years of clinical experience as a couples and relationship therapist and put this Course together to help you succeed.

Here’s what you get in this Course

the lessons build on & overlap each other

Learn how to have courageous conversationS...

Learn how to incorporate active listening into your relationship communication...

Understand and learn to develop relationship empathy...

We will talk about what it takes to go from having surface level superficial conversations and start to dig deeper into the things that really matter to you. 
You’ll learn how to keep your communication from being one-side and out of balance while making it a safe place for you both to share your feelings with courage and vulnerability.

So often when having discussions, you may be only hearing part of what your partner is trying to communicate with you.

You may not hear any of their message if you’re just waiting for them to stop talking so you can say what you want to say.

There is a difference between simply hearing the words they are saying and actually tuning into the message they are trying to share.

Developing relationship empathy requires really comprehending where your partner is coming from when they tell you how they are feeling. 

Instead of dismissing how they are feeling because you may not share their feelings, you’ll learn how to really sit with them to see things from their point of view which will allow you to develop relationship compassion and deeper levels of understanding.

Learn how to stop projecting your feelings...

Learn how to use “I” Statements and avoid blaming language...

Develop a “Same Team” mentality...

When your feelings are hurt or you’re reacting emotionally to what’s happening in your relationship, it can be easy to project your feelings onto you partner. 

This often develops into you expecting your partner to tend to your feelings rather than you being able to manage your emotions and show up as an equal participant in the relationship. 

You'll learn how to recognize when this is happening and get things back on track when it does.

Learning to respond thoughtfully to your partner without blaming or shaming them is incredibly important when resetting your relationship communication. 

Blaming leads to defensiveness and defensiveness leads to the communication stalling out. 

When this happens, nothing is solved and resentment starts to build. 

You’ll learn how to take responsibility for how you’re feeling without blaming it on your partner so a solution can be reached.

We will go back to the original foundation that brought you together and then we will expand on those elements to create a shared vision of where you are now and where you want to go. 

When communication has been struggling, there is likely not much of a same team feeling occurring, so we have to start resetting and rebuilding the connection. 

You’ll create a road map to follow as you continue to move forward as a team.

Here’s what you get in this online course.

Notice how the lessons build on each other and overlap.

Learn how to have courageous conversationS...

We will talk about what it takes to go from having surface level superficial conversations and start to dig deeper into the things that really matter to you. 
You’ll learn how to keep your communication from being one-side and out of balance while making it a safe place for you both to share your feelings with courage and vulnerability.

Learn how to incorporate active listening into your relationship communication...

So often when having discussions, you may be only hearing part of what your partner is trying to communicate with you. 
You may not hear any of their message if you’re just waiting for them to stop talking so you can say what you want to say. 
There is a difference between simply hearing the words they are saying and actually tuning into the message they are trying to share. 

Understand and learn to develop relationship empathy...

Developing relationship empathy requires really comprehending where your partner is coming from when they tell you how they are feeling. 
Instead of dismissing how they are feeling because you may not share their feelings, you’ll learn how to really sit with them to see things from their point of view which will allow you to develop relationship compassion and deeper levels of understanding.

Learn how to stop projecting your feelings...

When your feelings are hurt or you’re reacting emotionally to what’s happening in your relationship, it can be easy to project your feelings onto you partner. 
This often develops into you expecting your partner to tend to your feelings rather than you being able to manage your emotions and show up as an equal participant in the relationship. 
You'll learn how to recognize when this is happening and get things back on track when it does.

Learn how to use “I” Statements and avoid blaming language...

Learning to respond thoughtfully to your partner without blaming or shaming them is incredibly important when resetting your relationship communication. 
Blaming leads to defensiveness and defensiveness leads to the communication stalling out. 
When this happens, nothing is solved and resentment starts to build. 
You’ll learn how to take responsibility for how you’re feeling without blaming it on your partner so a solution can be reached.

Develop a “Same Team” mentality...

We will go back to the original foundation that brought you together and then we will expand on those elements to create a shared vision of where you are now and where you want to go. 
When communication has been struggling, there is likely not much of a same team feeling occurring, so we have to start resetting and rebuilding the connection. 
You’ll create a road map to follow as you continue to move forward as a team.


The information, activities and suggestions included in this workshop have been tested time and time again with an amazing amount of success. 

If however, you go through the workshop and you do not feel like you’ve been able to develop a deeper understanding of yourself and how you’re showing up in your relationship while developing tools to improve your relationship communication, I do offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. 

You will need to let me know within 7 days of purchase that you are not satisfied, and I will refund your money.


The information, activities and suggestions included have been tested time and time again with an amazing amount of success. 

If however you do not feel like you’ve been able to develop a deeper understanding of yourself and how you’re showing up in your relationship while developing tools to improve your relationship, I do offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. 

You will need to let me know within 7 days of purchase that you are not satisfied, and I will refund your money.

When you purchase my Relationship Communication Course, you’ll also get the following bonuses added on for FREE


Relationship Communication Checklist

Get access to a bonus video where I explain a super simple yet super effective communication checklist that you can start using right away to begin the process of shifting and improving your relationship communication.


Relationship Gratitude Activity

Practicing relationship gratitude is a really effective way to start resetting the connection in your relationship.
 Get access to a bonus video where I explain how to practice relationship gratitude and get a downloadable worksheet to go with the video to help you implement this activity into your life.


Date Night Planning Activity

Get access to a bonus video where I explain my fun way to plan out date nights so you’ll always have ideas of things you can do to keep your relationship fun and interesting. 
It takes the pressure off planning and allows you to focus on building your relationship connection.

When you purchase my Relationship Communication Course, you’ll also get the following bonuses added on for FREE


Relationship Journal Activity

Get access to a bonus video where tell you about how you can use my Relationship Journal Prompts to start improving your relationship today!


Relationship Gratitude Activity

Get access to a bonus video where I explain how to practice relationship gratitude as really effective way to start resetting your connection!


Date Night Planning Activity

Get access to a bonus video I explain a fun way to plan out date nights so you’ll always have ideas of things you can do no matter what.


Learn how to have courageous conversations (was $350)

Learn how to incorporate active listening into your relationship communication (was $350)

Understand and learn to develop relationship empathy (was $350)

Learn how to stop projecting your feelings (was $350)

Learn how to use “I” Statements and avoid blaming language (was $350)

Develop a “Same Team” mentality (was $350)

Bonus 1 Relationship Journaling Activity (was $175)

Bonus 2 Relationship Gratitude Activity (was $175)

Bonus 3 Date Night Planning Activity (was $175)

(All Prices in USD)

Total Value = ($2,625)

Today's Price = $37


Learn how to have courageous conversations (was $350)

Learn how to incorporate active listening into your relationship communication (was $350)

Understand and learn to develop relationship empathy (was $350)

Learn how to stop projecting your feelings (was $350)

Learn how to use “I” Statements and avoid blaming language (was $350)

Develop a “Same Team” mentality (was $350)

Bonus 1 Relationship Communication Checklist (was $175)

Bonus 2 Relationship Gratitude Activity (was $175)

Bonus 3 Date Night Planning Activity (was $175)

(All Prices in USD)

Total Value = ($2,625)

Today's Price = $37


"Working with Lindsay has many benefits. She balances everything out and helps keep me on track emotionally and relationally. It’s like taking your car in for an oil change, but you end up getting a complete tune-up, a wheel alignment, and a car wash."


"Lindsay knows relationships. I have implemented so many of the tips and strategies she’s given me, and I can see a big difference in how I show up in my life. I used to keep people at arm’s length, I wouldn’t open up and I would often bail at the first sign of trouble. I am happy to say that after learning better ways of doing things and ways to communicate more effectively, I’m happier and more content in my romantic life as well as other areas."

randy cash

"Lindsay provides guidance and gives suggestions without being pushy or telling you how to feel. She provides you with the info you need to life you best life, and I’m so grateful I found her. She has helped me understand how I show up in relationship and she has helped me process through past relationships that didn’t 

work out. I would highly recommend working with Lindsay and taking part in her workshops."

Ash knight

“Lindsay is so amazing! She has helped me through so much related to my life and my relationships. She listens, she understands and you can tell she genuinely cares about everyone she works with. She will keep it real with you in a gentle loving way.”

Sommer Morgan 

“Several years ago, I was going through a difficult time. I found Lindsay through an online search. She was a very thoughtful, insightful and warm therapist to work with, and she helped me with so much related to my life and my relationship. I felt comfortable sharing and discussing the struggles I was facing. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for guidance. I appreciated her help greatly.”

Jennifer McAdam 

“Lindsay does so much to help others and she’s helped me in so many ways. Listening to her podcast and her radio and television segments gave me some great suggestions of how to improve my life and my relationships and her workshops give even more detail. She is helping so people change and improve not only in their relationships, but their lives. I’ll never forget her advice and what she has taught me and helped me through. I am able to see and think differently about things. I am so thankful for Lindsay and all the the knowledge and help she has brought to my life.”

Candice Dattilo 

"My husband and I started working with Lindsay after losing our son suddenly. After 27 years of marriage, we found ourself in shambles. 

Lindsay is a great therapist who has been able to show up techniques  to improve and grow. 

She has given us the tools to rebuild our lives and our relationship.”

- Jenni Lenz

“I have implemented all the strategies Lindsay suggests into my life and my marriage. If you do the same, your life will be so much better. You will have the same “full-circle effect” that I’ve had in my own situation. She has helped me realize I was causing some of the issues, but with her help I’ve been able to fix them and take ownership for what I was doing. My marriage is so much better after working with Lindsay, and I feel hopeful for what the future holds”


“Lindsay is the best. I’ve worked with her off and on over the years. She knows relationships, but she doesn’t make you feel bad for struggling. 

She helps guide you to the answers you’re needing and she will call you out on occasion but it’s always from a standpoint of wanting you to succeed.”

- mike d

“Lindsay has helped me see how I was trying to control a relationship outcome and it was causing me to really create a lot of problems. After working with her, I feel like I have a more secure understanding of myself and my relationship.”

- Shawn T 


"Working with Lindsay has many benefits. She balances everything out and helps keep me on track emotionally and relationally. It’s like taking your car in for an oil change, but you end up getting a complete tune-up, a wheel alignment, and a car wash."


"Lindsay knows relationships. I have implemented so many of the tips and strategies she’s given me, and I can see a big difference in how I show up in my life. I used to keep people at arm’s length, I wouldn’t open up and I would often bail at the first sign of trouble. I am happy to say that after learning better ways of doing things and ways to communicate more effectively, I’m happier and more content in my romantic life as well as other areas."

randy cash

"Lindsay provides guidance and gives suggestions without being pushy or telling you how to feel. She provides you with the info you need to life you best life, and I’m so grateful I found her. She has helped me understand how I show up in relationship and she has helped me process through past relationships that didn’t  work out. I would highly recommend working with Lindsay and taking part in her workshops."

ash knight

“Lindsay is so amazing! She has helped me through so much related to my life and my relationships. She listens, she understands and you can tell she genuinely cares about everyone she works with. She will keep it real with you in a gentle loving way.”


“Several years ago, I was going through a difficult time. I found Lindsay through an online search. She was a very thoughtful, insightful and warm therapist to work with, and she helped me with so much related to my life and my relationship. I felt comfortable sharing and discussing the struggles I was facing. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for guidance. I appreciated her help greatly.”


“Lindsay does so much to help others and she’s helped me in so many ways. Listening to her podcast and her radio and television segments gave me some great suggestions of how to improve my life and my relationships and her workshops give even more detail. She is helping so people change and improve not only in their relationships, but their lives. I’ll never forget her advice and what she has taught me and helped me through. I am able to see and think differently about things. I am so thankful for Lindsay and all the the knowledge and help she has brought to my life.”


“Lindsay is the best. I’ve worked with her off and on over the years. She knows relationships, but she doesn’t make you feel bad for struggling. She helps guide you to the answers you’re needing and she will call you out on occasion but it’s always from a standpoint of wanting you to succeed.”

mike d

“I have implemented all the strategies Lindsay suggests into my life and my marriage. If you do the same, your life will be so much better. You will have the same “full-circle effect” that I’ve had in my own situation. She has helped me realize I was causing some of the issues, but with her help I’ve been able to fix them and take ownership for what I was doing. My marriage is so much better after working with Lindsay, and I feel hopeful for what the future holds”

robert s

"My husband and I started working with Lindsay after losing our son suddenly. After 27 years of marriage, we found ourself in shambles. Lindsay is a great therapist who has been able to show up techniques to improve and grow. She has given us the tools to rebuild our lives and our relationship.”


“Lindsay has helped me see how I was trying to control a relationship outcome and it was causing me to really create a lot of problems. After working with her, I feel like I have a more secure understanding of myself and my relationship.”

shawn t


Learn how to have courageous conversations (was $350)

Learn how to incorporate active listening into your relationship communication (was $350)

Understand and learn to develop relationship empathy (was $350)

Learn how to stop projecting your feelings (was $350)

Learn how to use “I” Statements and avoid blaming language (was $350)

Develop a “Same Team” mentality (was $350)

Bonus 1 Relationship Communication Checklist (was $175)

Bonus 2 Relationship Gratitude Activity (was $175)

Bonus 3 Date Night Planning Activity (was $175)

(All Prices in USD)

Total Value = ($2,625)

Today's Price = $37


Learn how to have courageous conversations (was $350)

Learn how to incorporate active listening into your relationship communication (was $350)

Understand and learn to develop relationship empathy (was $350)

Learn how to stop projecting your feelings (was $350)

Learn how to use “I” Statements and avoid blaming language (was $350)

Develop a “Same Team” mentality (was $350)

Bonus 1 Relationship Communication Checklist (was $175)

Bonus 2 Relationship Gratitude Activity (was $175)

Bonus 3 Date Night Planning Activity (was $175)

(All Prices in USD)

Total Value = ($2,625)

Today's Price = $37

frequently asked questions

How long does it take to make progress when working on your relationship?

Although it’s different for each person and success is directly related to the amount of effort put into the process, 3- 6 weeks is normally the average amount of time need to start seeing some results. Keep in mind the process of developing a healthy successful relationship is an ongoing journey and continual effort will

need to be put into things.

Can I go through this workshop on my own or does my significant other/partner need to go through it with me?

 It does take two people to make a relationship work. Even if you can’t go through the material in this workshop sitting side-by-side or at the same time, it’s going to be difficult for progress to happen if only one 

person is familiar with the material. 

You can both go through the material at your own individual pace, but you will need to be able to work through the partnered activities together.

I’m single, can I still benefit from this workshop

If you are single and interested in developing a deeper understanding of how you show up in a relationship, this workshop is absolutely for you too!

 It will help you better understand yourself and better  prepare you for a relationship in the future

Do we get a chance to work with you one-on-one?

If after you go through this workshop you feel like you need more of a personal approach to what you’re dealing with in your life and/or your relationship, that is an option.

This workshop will give you a good foundation and then we can continue the work in a more specialized way if needed.

frequently asked questions

How long does it take to make progress when working on your relationship?

Although it’s different for each person and success is directly related to the amount of effort put into the process, 3- 6 weeks is normally the average amount of time need to start seeing some results. 

Keep in mind the process of developing a healthy successful relationship is an ongoing journey and continual effort will

need to be put into things.

Can I go through this workshop on my own or does my significant other/partner need to go through it with


 It does take two people to make a relationship work. Even if you can’t go through the material in this workshop sitting side-by-side or at the same time, it’s going to be difficult for progress to happen if only one 

person is familiar with the material. 

You can both go through the material at your own individual pace, but you will need to be able to work through the partnered activities together.

I’m single, can I still benefit from this workshop?

If you are single and interested in developing a deeper understanding of how you show up in a relationship, this course is absolutely for you too!

 It will help you better understand yourself and better  prepare you for a relationship in the future.

Do we get a chance to work with you one -on- one?

If after you go through this course you feel like you need more of a personal approach to what you’re dealing with in your life and/or your relationship, that is an option.

This workshop will give you a good foundation and then we can continue the work in a more specialized way if needed.

Creating the relationship of your dreams is within your reach!


You’ve got nothing to lose and a lifetime of happiness to gain.

Don’t forget when you sign up for my Relationship Communication Course you get lifetime access To 3 extra bonuses as my gift to you!

Creating the relationship of your dreams is within your reach!


You’ve got nothing to lose and a lifetime of happiness to gain.

Don’t forget when you sign up for my Relationship Communication Workshop you get lifetime access to 3 extra bonuses as my gift to you!


Learn how to have courageous conversations (was $350)

Learn how to incorporate active listening into your relationship communication (was $350)

Understand and learn to develop relationship empathy (was $350)

Learn how to stop projecting your feelings (was $350)

Learn how to use “I” Statements and avoid blaming language (was $350)

Develop a “Same Team” mentality (was $350)

Bonus 1 Relationship Communication Checklist (was $175)

Bonus 2 Relationship Gratitude Activity (was $175)

Bonus 3 Date Night Planning Activity (was $175)

(All Prices in USD)

Total Value = ($2,625)

Today's Price = $37


Learn how to have courageous conversations (was $350)

Learn how to incorporate active listening into your relationship communication (was $350)

Understand and learn to develop relationship empathy (was $350)

Learn how to stop projecting your feelings (was $350)

Learn how to use “I” Statements and avoid blaming language (was $350)

Develop a “Same Team” mentality (was $350)

Bonus 1 Relationship Communication Checklist (was $175)

Bonus 2 Relationship Gratitude Activity (was $175)

Bonus 3 Date Night Planning Activity (was $175)

(All Prices in USD)

Total Value = ($2,625)

Today's Price = $37